Brand Coaching for Accomplished Women


Reinvigorate your business.

Brand positioning, strategic planning & customer insights

I work with companies of all sizes on custom consulting projects, including strategic planning, team and company brand strategy, company positioning, customer research and insights, and strategic communications.

These projects are designed to meet your needs, but typically include:

  • Kick-off and Discovery

  • Primary and secondary research

  • Analysis and strategic recommendations

  • Development and implementation

Much like my coaching methods, my consulting work is always grounded in data and insights, and designed to cultivate buy-in and consensus among key stakeholders along the way.

Have a project in mind? Reach out and let’s discuss.


Client Testimonials

Cat helped us gain deep insights about the motivations of our clients and where they find value in our product. Armed with these insights we reformulated our offering and reset our marketing. Because of that, our sales process is much more effective and our MRR grew by 166%!
— Kyle Westaway, Founder and Managing Partner, Westaway
Through her process, Cat encapsulated the value, essence, heart and mind of our organization into a single brand message. I never was party to such a successful process and result in this arena.
— Gaby King Morse, CEO, Center for Women and Enterprise
Cat left an out-sized imprint on our ability to communicate clearly about our mission and raise funds. She led a significant revamp of our brand and ultimately tied the organization to a major Discovery Channel documentary.

The message Cat formulated... was transformative for the decades-old organization.
— Tim Fenton, Board of Directors, NIH Patient Charities
Cat helped the Vermont Futures Project take an idea for a public education campaign and turned it into a reality. Her work came with fresh eyes and a vision that stretched our thinking to arrive at a brand solution that is both simple yet inspirational.
— Lori Smith, Executive Director, Vermont Futures Project