Brand Coaching for Accomplished Women

Tips and Tools

Personal Brand Insights and Resources

Find your Superpower in Two Easy Steps

“To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.” - Emerson

I used to have this colleague who did the most amazing thing. 

Whenever I ran out of steam on a project, when I stalled or I simply couldn’t see the way to get a deliverable over the finish line, I could call him – and he always got me unstuck.

I will never forget how that felt. When I was at my most stressed, the relief of hearing a trusted voice over the phone say “sure, send it over, I’ll see what I can do with it.”

He always – always – made my work better. And not just for me. This was what he was known for, by everyone.

So while this man was so many things – copywriter, strategist, a little bit old school ad man – what I will always remember was this, his superpower. His “get you unstuck”-ness.

And this is what I always have in my mind when I talk to people about personal brands and superpowers. It’s the ability to recognize and understand that unique skill that makes you you, especially in the workplace.

It’s the backbone of your persona. It’s your ‘special sauce.’ It’s the thing you do better than anyone else – and it’s separate from, or different than your skillset and value proposition. 

And, it’s really important to spend some time trying to find or identify yours.  Because a brand without a personality is really hard to connect with – whether for a business, a product, or an individual.

Research has shown that the more clearly you can define what sets you apart in a creative and impactful way, the easier it will be to attract sponsors, access new opportunities and achieve your career goals.

There’s no one way to do this, but there are a few tips that can help so that you can use this insight to lean into your strengths, to convey your unique identity, and to help others understand where and how best to benefit from the value you bring.

Unearthing your Superpower: Two Easy Steps

First, because our minds work better when we physically write things down, grab a pen and paper and think through these five questions:

  • When I am at my absolute best at work, what am I typically doing? 

  • When I have my very best day, what does it usually entail? 

  • How do I make others feel when I’m at my best? What do they thank me for? 

  • What do people seek me out for – apart from my technical skillset? Is it humor, drive, organization, vision? What’s that ‘extra’ that I bring?

  • What is something I find that I do ten times faster, or more effectively than others around me?

What do you see? Does anything emerge? Make a short list of the top few superpowers that you think might be what really sets you apart.

Next, gut check your hypotheses with some external perspectives.

You can do this by turning to a set of trusted advisors who know you from different walks of your life and getting their feedback on your theories. If you have a personal board in place, this is the time to use them. And if you don’t, this is probably a great moment to start setting one up.

Especially since we’re living in a moment where people crave connection, try to do this by phone if you can. You will probably find that people will be excited to hear from you and eager for the chance to help out, even if you haven’t connected in a while.

Share your goals for the exercise, your initial thinking, and ask them to help reflect on what you’re great at, known for, and what it feels like to work with you.

I expect you will be both surprised and touched by the things you hear. And that's something we could probably all use right about now.